Friday 26 July 2013

July - The Lost Valley of Glen Coe, Scotland

The Approach

The Lost Valley of Glen Coe

June - Duke of Edinburgh Practice Hike, Dorking

In my March post I mentioned that I was completing the 'Coutryside Leader Award' in order to run the DofE Award scheme at the school where I work. In June the 16 pupils who chose to take the award this year, supported by 8 staff, took part in their first overnight hike as part of the award. The hike took place in the countryside surrounding Dorking.

This was a new experience for me, as rather than just being responsible for myself on a hike, I was suddenly responsible for 24 other people too! The hours of route planning, sorting out gear, completing reccies and filling out paperwork weresuddenly all worthwhile when the pupils completed their hike exhausted but with that sense of satisfaction and achievement you can get from pushing yourself in the outdoor environment!